Artist Maynard Breese on LYL!

my heartPlay Guitars
LYL means to me doing what makes you happy, and does so not at the expense of other’s happiness.  I think it’s also about finding a way to help others live their lives, and about finding someway to see the struggles we all face as positive events.  Do I feel I am living my life?  Hmmmm….I believe in most ways, I am.  I find time every day to get past the “just getting by” and find something that makes me happy, makes me laugh.
Geez! Too many turning points to list them all!  Let’s see…when I was 14, I feel through the ice on a pond, struggled for 30 minutes by myself until I finally got to shore.  I had to reach about a foot in front of me, and dig my hunting knife down into the ice enough that I could use it to pull myself up onto the ice, which would then break again, and I would be a couple of feet cturn the once snow,Redloser to shore.  I changed from a mouthy smart ass teenager, to a kid who was able to tell those around him that he cared, and I very much appreciated life more from that point on.
Next …. the birth of and raising my twins.  I wanted to take on more of that than my father was able to because he worked construction, so I structured my job at a brokerage firm into more of a telecommute gig.  I got to see all the important things, first time they rolled over, they first stThe War Correspondenteps, the first words.  I liked being the “stay at home” dad (though it’s funny how many people would say, “oh, don’t you work?”  Even after I became an artist and started a company, they still would ask if I had a job.  To which I would reply, “nope.  No job.  Do own a company, but …. no job.”).  As the kids got older (they are 9 now), I became the “primary care giver” I believe is the phrase.  The great thing about having kids this age is that I get to see the wonder of the world through their eyes, and they’ve opened up the playful child in me.  We become so locked into being adults that we forget how fun something as simple as a game of tag really can be.
and dream of the flood4gouache
Lastly turning point is when I walked away from corporate America, and became a full time working artist.  We used to have this saying at my brokerage, “working 90 hours a week, and loving it.  The day it stops being fun is the day I stop doing it.”  I woke up one morning and realized that, even working from home mostly, it had stopped being fun at least 6 months prior to that day.  I had been showing my artwork at some local shows, made a few sales, and really just enjoyed the rush of a street show with all the people (and, to be completely honest, the ego boost from having people like your work). So, I called my Vice President, resigned, and jumped into the art field with both feet.  And it’s been great.  The times I feel the most alive, the most attuned, the most….tingly with happy and excitement would be the times I am with my children, on the martial arts mat, and at a street show selling my artwork.
dance the ghost with me 40x48
My own personal bucket list…Well, one of the big “never gonna happen” ones I crossed off last year.  I got to train, personally train, with Stephen K Hayes, the head of our entire martial arts organization.  I’ve wanted to train with him since I was that smart ass 14 year old, and last year, he showed up at our school and I got to work with hiim.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOther personal bucket list things:  I have a copy of the 1000 places to see before you die, and I have crossed off a bunch of them.  But there are still a lot left!
*I want to start a clothing line….actually, scratch that…..I want to start and run a SUCCESSFUL clothing line!  I want to bring art to clothing.
*I’ve written a few short stories, I would like to see one published.
*I want to give the commencement speech at my high school.
*I want to continue to grow as a person, and to help those around me become more of who they are capable of becoming.
love up against her willDon’t be a “should’ve”.  My dad has some great stories about how he had the chance to own 1/3 of 7-11 when it started, and he SHOULD’VE done it.  Instead of looking back in remorse on things you missed out on, realize that right now, this very freakin’ second, there are things right in front of you that you are either going to tell stories about “how great it was when…”, or “Man, I missed out on that….”.  It’s up to you.  You already have the ability and the courage and the desire (even if you don’t admit it) to do whatever it is, all that is required is to start.
I can always be found in Las Vegas for First Friday of each month, and the other big show that I know of is the Tempe Festival of Arts in December here in Phoenix.  Oh, and I have a kickstarter campaign that should be launching by August 20th to help fund the start up of my clothing line, featuring myself and 5-6 other really great artists. Please help us out here:
dont fall on me
My website at and I can also be found and followed at
ryan tree one2ink and oil